A disgruntled twentysomething waxes poetic on her many travels aboard Tdot's very own public transportation system, the TTC.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Superhero in the gray flannel suit

Friday, 5:01 pm, Arriving At Union Station. Just sitting here amazed and mind-fucked that I’ve witnessed another David Beckham business man leap from the final stair at St. Andrew station and hurl himself through 2 inches of slowly disappearing space between the ding- ding- ding closing subway doors so as not to be late for his Brazilian waxing appointment. These superhero wheeler and dealers are literally traversing the space-time continuum, the Bay-Street matrix – why they don’t just run along side the train and grab on to the caboose, is beyond me. They appear to be in that much of a hurry. Please do not rush the doors, the overhead announces, there is another train right behind us.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOD. I totally know what you mean! Where the hell do these people have to be one measly minute earlier than if they were catching the next train? That scenario is almost as good as the time i saw a rather elderly woman *almost* push down a baby carriage to exit a bus on Eglinton when the mother of the stroller was already exiting the bus. I almost grabbed the hood of her jacket to save the poor baby. I was in utter shock.

    great blog....love it :)
    ps. dinner date with C soon?
